A legal entity of private rights, with the purpose of protecting the environment, without lucrative ends
Acquire lands with native forests and preserve them from destruction and mischaracterization
Acquire deforested lands, either in grass, ferns, “capoeiras”, etc...
Reforest the lands acquired with young trees of Atlantic Forest and take care of the growth of these trees, protecting them of what can hinder their development
Stimulate the development of the forest thus created, and of native herbaceous vegetation, including the epiphytes plants such as orchids and bromeliads
Repopulate the region, as soon as the development of the forest allows it, with wild animals such as mammals and birds, etc...
In accordance with the legislation, organize the breeding of such animals with the purpose of freeing them as soon as possible, in the new forests
Establish and keep contacts with all the organisms that have the same purposes, organize exchanges of experiences and visits, and publish the results of the carried experiences
Accommodate, and whenever possible, help researchers to carry out work on the activity of the institute. For the achievement of its objectives the Institute will be able to associate, establish partnership, sign contracts and agreements with other Public and Private institutions, as well as governmental or particular entities, in Brazil as well as abroad
  Site by LR